
Traconin Peliperjantaissa 7.9. järjestetään maksutonta peliaiheista puheohjelmaa. Erityisesti käsittelyssä on videopeliaiheita, mutta mukaan mahtuu myös yleisemmin pelejä koskevia luentoja ja paneeleita. Käytössämme on kaksi salia, ohjelma on nähtävissä aikatauluineen tällä sivulla.


Suomen Pelialan Tervehdys    
17:00 - 17:30 
Koo-Pee Hiltunen

Latest news and statistics of the game industry in Finland.


Tampereen Pelialan Tervehdys
17:30 - 17:45 
Joni Lappalainen

A short introduction on what is the community of game developers in Tampere and how to join them.


The power of Expectation in driving Story    
18:00 - 18:45 
Guy Sclanders

"How to insert a giant banana..."
In this one hour interactive discussion on the use of Expectation to help you create better stories, Guy unpacks the basic concepts of storytelling that are fundamental to role-playing games, computer games, novels, screenplays and stage plays. Of particular fun is the section on inserting a giant banana... Audience participation is required but you don't need to bring a banana.


Little Nightmares    
19:00 - 19:45 
Michael Thulin / Tarsier Games

There are certain things we must consider when creating levels or gameplay for Little Nightmares. In this talk I will go through a few examples, the core mechanics, the design process and some key takeaways from post-launch.


Developing games at Veikkaus    
20:00 - 20:45 
Karoliina Korppoo

Developing gambling games at state owned Veikkaus is much like any game development, but there are unique challenges. How does one develop games that should appeal to the entire population (of over 18-year-olds)?



Kuinka oppia tekemään pelejä?    
18:00 - 19:15 

Paneelisteina Lasse Liljedahl (Iceflake), Antti Ikäläinen (Traplight), Miska Fredman (Colossal Order) ja Arto Koistinen (Random Potion)

Kuinka oppia tekemään pelitaidetta?    
19:30 - 20:45 

Paneelisteina peligraafikko Miro Vesterinen (Art Station: mirbobo), peligraafikko Tuomas Salmela (Art Station: themurling), pelisäveltäjä Jukio Kallio (Soundcloud: jukiokallio) ja peligraafikko Krista Erkkilä (Web:

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